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1 Sol Quest: "Golden Donkeys" are out there...


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It's true. In addition to buying amazingly simple yet hilarious art, playing HEEHAW!, collecting, & is also possible to receive a Golden Donkey in your card pack!


A Golden Donkey trading card is the rarest of rare cards and only 1% of packs contain Golden Donkeys. But when you get one, you'll know it. It's golden flare alone will tip you off to something strange before you quite understand what is going on. 


There are a maximum of 100 Golden Donkeys that will ever be printed (1 per 100 packs) in this card series "Solana Donkey Business - 1st Gen 2024," making them one of the most valuable trading cards to own because of its special design, rarity, and of course its Solana coin wallet containing exactly 1 Sol!


Each Golden Donkey also come with a code to instantly redeem the 1 Solana coin (1 Sol) with any Solana wallet.


Only 10,000 packs of this series trading cards will ever be printed!


Now when you are reading this, Solana could be worth about as much as a crumpled up love letter, or maybe a lot more. But it will be yours none the less. HEEHAW!


Yours truly, 


Solana Trading Card Company



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